Long-term outcomes following hospital admission for COVID-19 versus seasonal influenza: a cohort study

A new excellent article from Dr Ziyad Al-Aly, a world-leader in Long COVID research from the Institute for Public Health at Washington University School of Medicine, and his team has been published in The Lancet.

In this study, 81,280 individuals hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2 & 10,985 individuals hospitalized for seasonal influenza were followed for 1.5 years to characterise the risks of death, health care utilization and 94 health outcomes.

“Although rates of death and adverse health outcomes following hospital admission for either seasonal influenza or COVID-19 are high, this comparative analysis shows that hospital admission for COVID-19 was associated with higher long-term risks of death and adverse health outcomes in nearly every organ system (except for the pulmonary system) and significant cumulative excess DALYs than hospital admission for seasonal influenza.”

Long-term outcomes following hospital admission for COVID-19 versus seasonal influenza: a cohort study – The Lancet Infectious Diseases