ORCHESTRA cohort study shows temporal trends of COVID-19 antibodies in vaccinated healthcare workers over 13 months of repeated serological sampling
Do not miss this very interesting publication with some remarkable findings from ORCHESTRA cohort study on COVID-19 antibodies…
First Long COVID Exploitation Workshop
This morning Long COVID had a very fruitful discussion during its first exploitation workshop held by Steinbeis Europa Zentrum (Communication,…
Unraveling long COVID’s causes and impacts
Do not miss this really interesting article written by Carrie Arnold (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health)…
Proposed Non-infectious Air Delivery Rates (NADR) for Reducing Exposure to Airborne Respiratory Infectious Diseases
Current ventilation rates are not designed for COVID-19 (or any other respiratory pathogen). For that reason, the Lancet…
Long Covid: Three years and no magic bullet
Lucy Adams is a BBC Scotland social affairs correspondent. She has had Long COVID for three years. She is now sharing…
Diagnostic Accuracy of a Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Among People Experiencing Homelessness: A Prospective Cohort and Implementation Study
The ORCHESTRA study “Diagnostic Accuracy of a Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Among People Experiencing Homelessness: A Prospective Cohort…
The Long COVID project on the Steinbeis Europa Zentrum website
A new post for the German-speaking stakeholders with general information about the Long COVID project is now online…
New Publication: The Health Impact of Long COVID
The health impact of long COVID: a cross-sectional examination of health-related quality of life, disability, and health status…