SARS-CoV-2 infection of human neurons requires endosomal cell entry and can be blocked by inhibitors of host phosphoinositol-5 kinase
A group of researchers from the University of Helsinki leaded by Prof. Jari Koistinaho and Dr. Dr. Giuseppe Balistreri,…
World Health Organisation: Prevalence of post COVID condition in Europe
World Health Organisation (WHO) has issued a media release on the prevalence of post COVID condition in Europe, based…
Science Story magazine: On the track of Long COVID
EU GrantsAccess has published in its Science Story magazine a very interesting portrait of Anja Kipar, Professor at the University…
Persistence of somatic symptoms after COVID-19 in the Netherlands: an observational cohort study
Researchers at the UMCG (University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands) have recently published a very interesting article in The Lancet about the long-term…