Dysregulations in hemostasis, metabolism, immune response, and angiogenesis in post-acute COVID-19 syndrome with and without postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome: a multi-omic profiling study

New Scientific Reports article on Post-acute COVID-19 (PACS) and its association with cardiovascular dysfunction, especially postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

“The aim of this study was to provide a broad molecular characterization of patients with PACS with (PACS + POTS) and without (PACS-POTS) POTS compared to healthy subjects, including a broad proteomic characterization with a focus on plasma cardiometabolic proteins, quantification of cytokines/chemokines and determination of plasma sphingolipid levels.”

“Patients with PACS demonstrate distinctly altered plasma protein, cytokine and lipid profiles compared with healthy controls. In particular, alterations in hemostasis, T-cell proliferation, apoptosis and amino acid metabolism may be potentially involved in symptom development and maintenance in PACS. Interestingly, plasma profile of PACS patients with and without POTS do not substantially differ, implying that PACS is associated with alterations in plasma profile regardless of POTS presence. Other pathophysiological mechanisms may be responsible for the development of POTS in PACS.”

Dysregulations in hemostasis, metabolism, immune response, and angiogenesis in post-acute COVID-19 syndrome with and without postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome: a multi-omic profiling study | Scientific Reports (nature.com)