The Mystery of Long COVID Is Just the Beginning
Do not miss this very interesting article published by The Intelligencer (New York Magazine) about Lisa Sanders, internal-medicine…
Acute blood biomarker profiles predict cognitive deficits 6 and 12 months after COVID-19 hospitalization
A new prospective cohort study published by Nature Medicine (Nature Portfolio) on Long COVID. From more than 1,800 adults…
Q&A: Long COVID study sees ‘very sobering’ results after 2 years
Ziyad Al-Aly, chief of research and development at the Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System and a…
Long COVID in low-income and middle-income countries: the hidden public health crisis
New publication in the Lancet. “The COVID-19 pandemic exposed crucial fault lines in society both within and between…
Persistent symptoms after COVID-19 are not associated with differential SARS-CoV-2 antibody or T cell immunity
This study led by the Imperial College London was recently published by Nature Communications. In the study, SARS-CoV-2…
Long Covid: the pandemic’s testing aftermath
By tracking Covid-19 patients, doctors in Europe are in search of treatments for a lingering sickness that is…
Where we are in the pandemic
In May 2023, the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 as no longer a public health emergency of international…
Opinion: Study shows ‘long COVID’ likely to cause mass misery if treatments can’t be developed (The San Diego Union-Tribune)
The San Diego Union-Tribune has recently published an editorial on the new Long COVID study by Dr. Ziyad…